Message from the Chair Karen Taylor
In 2018, a young lad of 15, in my daughter’s year, unfortunately took his own life. For someone to feel like there was no other way, at such a young age, was enough for me to do something about it. A few parents and I, decided instead of just talking about it something had to be done to help and support the youth of our community.
It was a lot of hard work, meetings, etc. but with the help of my team we managed to open The Escape Youth Club on 10th January 2020. We wanted our club to be different from any other, not only to provide a safe place to hang out with friends, take part in activities but to also help with their mental health and well-being.
I am very proud of what has been achieved in such a short time, including the number of members we have as well as becoming a registered charity. Our great journey has only just begun and we look forward to doing great things with the youth of our community, giving them the support they deserve.
Karen Taylor

Charity info
The Escape Youth Club
Charity Number 1190278
Karen Taylor
Alix Bell
Paula Henley-Cragg
Stuart Harvey